
Professional Eyecare
Optical Boutique

Main Differences Between an Ophthalmologist, an Optometrist, and an Optician

Experiencing eye problems and aren't sure who to turn to for help? Well, depending on the type of eye issue you have and the level of care you need, an ophthalmologist, an optometrist, or an optician can help!

What are the differences between these 3 eye care professionals? Kirman Eye explains...

What is an Ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a licensed medical doctor who specializes in vision and eye care. He or she can perform eye surgery, treat and diagnose eye problems, and prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses. Ophthalmologists are sometimes involved with scientific research, too. Specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of eye diseases, you can find relief from your symptoms.

What is an Optometrist?

An optometrist has a doctor of optometry (OD) degree, which means they are licensed to perform eye exams and vision tests, as well to detect eye problems, and to prescribe corrective lenses, low vision aids, or medications. Optometrists are primary health care providers who are also trained to diagnose, treat, and manage eye disorders and diseases.

What is an Optician?

An optician is a technician who receives training to design and fit lenses, frames, and contact lenses. They are not trained to diagnose or treat eye problems or diseases, but, instead, they use the prescriptions from the ophthalmologist or optometrist to provide proper care for patients. Our licensed opticians are trained to help you see better!

At Kirman Eye, you can count on our optometrists and opticians to take care of your eye care needs. Call us today if you have any questions or if you'd like to schedule your consultation appointment!

3 Tips for Choosing an Optometrist!

Are you wondering how to choose an eye doctor so you can get the best care for your family? Or are you new to the Hummelstown, Hershey, or Harrisburg areas and searching for a new optometrist?

Well, we're going to give you some tips to guide you in the right direction!

Tips on How to Choose an Eye Doctor

1. Find an optometrist with the right credentials. Depending on the type of eye care you need, an optometrist,
optician, or ophthalmologist may be right for you. Do your research and read our future blogs to learn more about the kind of eye care specialist to suit you and your family's needs.

2. Choose an eye doctor who communicates and connects professionally well with your family. You want to feel comfortable and at ease when visiting the office and getting optical services from him or her. An eye doctor who makes you feel at ease and who also communicates your treatment plan with you is important. Choose someone who your family enjoys speaking to and trusts his or her expertise.

3. Choosing an optometrist who has several years of experience is important. Our Kirman Eye optometrists have over 45 combined years of experience in the optometry field. Dr. Gary Kirman and Dr. Stephen Baer love staying current in the field and utilizing cutting-edge optical technology in the office.

These are just a few of the many facets to consider when choosing an eye doctor for your family. Of course there may be additional qualities to consider, but this should give you a great start to making your decision.

Family Eye Care is Important

Your vision is very important to your future. Hundreds of families in the Hummelstown, Hershey, and Harrisburg areas trust our doctors with their eye care.

We also invite you to call our office to schedule your appointment or ask us any questions you may have!



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